Thursday, January 03, 2008

My Best Of 2007

From Lucky Penny and Bonne Marie, my best of 2007.

1.Your best FO of the year: I have two. Finishing the Marmalade, and the Maple Tree Shawl!
2. Best FO of the year by a blog you link to: Michelle's finished Moderne Log Cabin Blanket. I'm working on this slowly but surely. It's a lot of freaking garter stitch - but I love hers so much I can't wait to have my own.
3. Best yarn you tried: I'm still enamored with Blue Moon Fiber Arts sock yarn.
4. Best new book/mag/pattern of 2007. Cat Bohrdi's new sock book. I'm in the middle of my first pair with her new construction.... but wow. Seriously.
5. Best new knitting technique or gadget you tried in 2007. It's a tie. One is a knitting bag that I can't talk about just yet because it's a Christmas gift I haven't given away yet, and the other are those sock needle holders I got.

I use them everyday for my SIPs - no more loose needles!

6. Top 5 inspirations--what five things inspired you the most this past year?

  • 1-The Yarn Harlot--she knits such fun things! I've run out to buy both a Bohus kit and the Kauni yarn after seeing her finished projects. Plus, I knit 2 socks patterns she designed this year (Earl Grey and Lenore)
  • 2-Cara--she is funny, and an amazing picture taker! She is the one that turned me onto BMFA and Briar Rose... plus - she has been such an inspiration to me in her pregnancy! Very courageous woman as well as inspiring.
  • 3-Amanda--my primary knitting pal. She kicks me in the ass when I'm in a knitting rut and is a constant feed of great patterns and yarn. Plus she makes cool jewelry.
  • 4-All my other knitting pals -- Half of the reason I knit is for the fun I have while spending time with great friends! I've got my usual suspects (Tarsha, Susan and Laurie) and then my new pals on my street! I'm so lucky!
  • 5 - My pal Gail, who every time I see her is pushing me to try new yarns. And now she's convinced me to try dying on my own!

7. Designer who most amazed and inspired you throughout the year: Karen Joan Raz. That Maple Tree shawl is the most beautiful thing I have ever knit. I loved knitting it, and I wear it often - always to rave reviews. Plus, it's really the only major thing I knit this year! If you page through my knitting this year - I wasn't really doing any crazy designs. I was doing a heck of a lot of socks, and more easy patterns with yarns that I loved. And boring knitting (the rugby sweater, the drive-thrus, Mom's Jabe) sure - I had fun doing it, but they weren't groundbreaking designs. For me, this year was more about knitting for the soothing feeling of passing yarn through my fingers and having a finished project. I didn't really challenge myself this year.
8. Knitting resolutions for 2008--what's next for you and your blog? Well, I have a bunch of great stuff that is calling from my stash. I want to finish my Kauni, my own Jabes and my cabled wrap. I have some presents I want to knit up too.... and cast on for the Bed Jacket from Knitting Lingerie Style. I'm also starting spinning classes this month, along with going out and doing some dying. The blog will stay as it is - I love the friends I've gained here, and having the archives of all my knitting work.



WOW! You are one busy lady! One of the things that I am most thankful for of 2007 was that I got to meet you in person, and I can't wait to spend time with you again. Sidewinders sound like a good idea, can you send me the link?