Monday, April 10, 2006


Well, here we are, at another Monday. I must admit, since my father was visiting this weekend, my weekend wasn't the usual. He always stresses me out, and I was seriously trying to not let him do that to me this time, which of course made it worse.

In fun news, I finished the sock for Suzie - which I'm not posting until she sees it! I went into Boston to see An Afternoon with Terry Gross and Ira Glass with my girlfriends, which was wonderful.

In knitting news, I started a new, carry along sock:

Which is out of the yarn I got at Loopy Yarns - and I must admit, I expected bigger stripes. But, I got over that, and am now liking it. See the little bit of yellow? That counts for Project Spectrum, right?

But most exciting for me, the Diamond Fantasy Shawl is being worked on again!

I saw Susan working on hers, and I realized how much I was missing it. I was forcing myself to just work on Suzie's socks, but now that they are done - DFS here I come!



Sometimes I feel like it is always Monday.

Cute sock.