OK - that picture doesn't capture the real color at all. It's a very nice, 'candlelight' yellow. And will go perfectly with the new quilt - once we get the floor done in there!
As I was walking back to the office, I was able to snap 2 more quick orange pictures. The first is of some yarn my friend Rebekah sent me.... which I will be casting on for the Feather and Fan shawl out of A Gathering Of Lace with (sometime this month): And then, I turned to my 'wall of yarn', and took a quick shot of this cube:
Now - I will admit, that although I do love the color orange, I rarely, if ever knit with it. OR wear it. And yellow - yeah - yellow makes this blond girl look VERY sickly. So, for the yellow part of the month, I'm thinking socks. But when I have more time, I'll give you all an Orange 'tour' of my house!
I'm not a big fan of yellow myself, but I'm wierdly drawn in by orange, even though I rarely wear it.
Wearing orange makes me look like a corpse - so I don't own anything orange. Some of the orange yarn is absolutely gorgeous, mostly because it's not viewed next to me. I'd go with orange socks, or a decorative pumpkin - all set for next fal.
Orange is probably not a color I should wear, but then things like that rarely stop me - hehe.
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