Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Wrong and right

I've actually made 2 sweaters this past month - one for Maggie and one for Cam... but they require crochet finishing that I had to let me move onto my tale of woe.

My latest knit is an interesting study in what happens when you are 'too smart' to need to carry the pattern with you:

This is what I thought the cable pattern was (quickly reading from the book before embarking on a car ride - which is one of the few times I can knit):

It's pretty, and the picture in the book doesn't show the cabling pattern up close... so I knit and knit and knit.

Then, I went on vacation, and brought the back with me, and the directions (because of course I would finish a whole sweater knit at 8 sts to the inch on my vacation with a toddler HAHAHAHA). When I got to the patterned section of the front, I realized I did the whole back wrong.

And the correct pattern is MUCH prettier. So I'm ripping out the back and redoing it.

In other news, I had taken out one ball of this yarn to swatch. Now, I can not find this ball. And I'm going to need it for the sleeves. This is a hand painted yarn, too. I'm now fully committed to finishing this sweater - I can't run out of yarn! I tossed most of the house this morning looking for it... I'm going to have to do a full scale attack now. Sigh.



Have you looked in the car (under a seat) for the missing ball? Under the couch too? Hope you find it soon.

Rippage is irritating, but at least it's a smallish project. I'm ripping the entire lace section of my Ishbel. The point at the end veered crazily to the left. As I ripped it back I realized that I must have put it down mid row and on the wrong side past the center stitch and double backed over it. Cute eh?


I love the yarn! Could you tell me what it is? I project-stalked your sweater on Rav and didn't see it.


It's very pretty, but I hate when that happens. Just imagine how embarrassing it would be if it were your own pattern. (Not that I would know anyone who would make such an error.)

(Verification string: expicali: to spit out extremely spicy chili.)