Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And a hat for me!

After WAY to many mistakes and ripping out, I finally finished the hat I started for me!

My face isn't in the picture for a very good reason.... I've managed to get a cold on top of everything else!


Pattern - Hermione's Cable and Bobble Hat from Charmed Knits

Yarn -Valley Yarns Belle (100% hand dyed silk)

Details - I started this in October! If It wasn't for Raverly, I wouldn't have remember when I started. I got distracted by all my holiday knitting. I saw this sitting unfinished in my knitting basket and thought I would take an hour or so to finish. Well, 3 major frogging sessions and more than a few hours later, it's done. It wasn't the pattern - it was me! I kept on getting in a groove and forgetting to see where I was on the chart. The finished product I wonderfully soft and warm. Now, to make the matching mittens.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas - I'm happy to have survived! We had more than a few crisis here in the past week (I had to have a D&C after the miscarriage, we had a big snow/ice storm that clogged up the gutters and brought water into the new addition, and had a clog in the main water drain to the house - and that is only naming a FEW of the things that went wrong!). But - I did get some wonderful presents that I'll be sharing with you all as the week goes on.



Your hat is lovely. Hope you have an awesome New Year.


Back in town and on line - sorry to hear about all your wonderful "gifts" nature has been dumping on you. Hope you are taking care of yourself - the beautiful hat should help!!