Sunday, June 24, 2007

Knitting with abandon!

I've been thinking. I usually am a 'product' knitter. Although I like the process, I really do like to have my finished item in hand. The leads me to a lot of lists and self imposed deadlines... and somehow adding stress to one of my hobbies! This summer, although I'm still in my Sock Era, I'm go to knit what I feel like knitting. I have a feeling that in the fall I'll be in major UFO completion phase, but for now, this seems like a good idea.

This week, I felt like knitting my Zig Zag socks from my latest STR kit:

This is a totally new toe and heel for me... and I love the colors. LOVE! Tina hits the jackpot again! I'll probably cast on for my second sock this afternoon... but maybe I'll pull from one of the other 6 projects in my project basket:
Hey - whatever makes me happy, right!??!



Dang it!!! How can you be DONE with the first sock already???? You amaze me. May I please be you when I grow up? Or at least knit like you?

I'm furiously trying to finish up the socks I'm working on in order to free up a set of needles for the Zig Zag socks. The yarn is sitting across the room right now, mocking me...

(Your sock looks wonderful, BTW.)


I hear you. I usually impose my own set of deadlines on any project. But then the lure of casting on something new hits and I argue with myself, feel guilty or plain abandon the current project on some flimsy excuse. Then the guilt hits and I avoid the UFO until I stuff it in a closet! NO more. Who cares that I have 15 projects started? They will all get done in their own time.


Absoluty! Thats what a hobby is all about ... doing what makes YOU happy. And, lady, that sock would put a smile on Scrooge's face ;-)


Pretty sock! Short-row toe and heel? And purled, yet, very spiffy.

By all means knit what you like. I am still in the midst of duty knitting, but at the moment that means knitting blanket squares, which means I can mess around with patterns all I like and move on to a new one almost before I'm ready.


Show off! I've kit maybe 20 rows since we got to our summer place and not all on one project either. You clearly are using stimulants of some sort.


good job on that sock, I haven't started any of the STR for this year yet. I just might knit this one after seeing yours.