Monday, October 30, 2006

2 cuties!

First, a super cute baby, wearing Angora baby booties!

I don't think that my friend's week old baby really knows what to think of them:

Details: Pattern: Angora Baby Booties from Last Minute Knitted Gifts
Yarn: Angora on closeout from Webs
These really only took 2 hours (including a break to have dinner) to make! Neat construction. Of course, they fell off her feet moments after they were put on... but I think it is because Lyra is still so tiny. I'm hoping they have a little more staying power in the weeks to come!

And then, because I don't have any pictures of knitting to show, I shall distract with a picture of the pups waiting for a treat:

So, I have a few new projects to show you... but those need to wait until tomorrow...



At first I thought the picture was blurry - they're sooo fuzzy and cute! Love how Abby's and Henry's posture are so different from each other.


I think he wonders why all of the sudden his feet got so blurry! Very cute.

The pups are so adorable. I just want to snuggle them.


Pooches and Babies! I love them. I have to do those booties, they are adorable. And the puppies, smooches to both!


Photos of pups are always appreciated ;-)


Yes, I thouight the photo had gone all blurry too, but it's the fuzzy wool!!
Oh the very cute pups!!! They are so alert and ready fopr a treat!! They have their 'we're getting a treat?' faces on!!!


Well, you know how I feel about those booties, being the person who lured you to the magical angora fluffiness... but I must say, those are some adorably fluffy booties! Puffffff!
As for hoping that they will stay on someday... that might just be a pipe dream- baby feet appear to be ergonomically designed to make certain that socks, shoes, booties and whatever else slide effortlessly off. Like water glides over a fish's back, if you will...