Friday, August 25, 2006

Ah.... Chunky child sized sweaters..

When did I start this? Like a week ago? Here is my progress so far (sorry for the crappy pictures - it's raining here today!)

This week has been very busy - a bunch of doctors appointments, work, and getting back into working out (I had taken a couple weeks off after the Breast Cancer Three day - need to get back into it!) - so not much knitting got done. But this sweater makes it look like I was knitting for hours every day!

Too bad chunky yarn makes such freaking hot sweaters - or I would make one of these for me!




You don't strike me as a vest person, but that bulky yarn would look totally striking in a textured vest. Good motorcyle wear for fall maybe? Hoping the doctors and busy week went well.


Ideal Yarn = chunky, knits up quickly on #19 needles, makes me look 3 sizes smaller (my XXL or XL a M), and is cool in southern VA temperatures!! Enjoy your blog!