Thursday was a crappy day weather wise, but perfect for shopping! Our first stop was at Central Yarn in Portland, Maine - where it was the third week of a sale. They were pretty well cleaned out, but I was able to get these great sock yarns for 30% off!

central yarn

We then moved on to Caravan Beads, where we all needed to pick up some beads for a Shapely Shawlette class we are taking. Well, I then decided that I needed some beads for bead crochet, and some bracelets, and and and:


I acknowledge that I went overboard - but I have a bead stash now! The final stop was at The Yarn Seller in York, Maine. A great store with lots of tempting local yarn. I couldn't resist the Cherry Tree Hill Suri Alpaca - SO NICE. The picture doesn't do it justice.

yarn seller

We ended up the trip on Friday with a spa trip! We went to the Cliff House, and I got a hot rock massage. Sigh. Just perfect.
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