Flame is starting to get to be that way. I knit on it SOLID this weekend. I could easily say that I spent 10 hours knitting... and I made it about 10 inches. I know that the progress is deceptive, as I'm knitting the fronts and back at the same time, but COME ON!

2 inches to go

Plus, I still have the issue of not having enough yarn. I have about 5 balls left at this point, and I really don't think I'm going to make it. My LYS promised to order me more, but haven't heard anything about it... maybe I'll order online tonight.
Other things are going better. I didn't really tell what the 'personal' problem was, but I did have dinner with that person, and although things are still a little strained, I do think we'll be ok in the long run.
Aaron's father is in town, and they are doing a HUGE amount of work on the house - which is awesome. They fixed the pressure pump for our well and the outside water, wired cable to the sun porch (yippie!), planed doors that were rubbing and got the air conditioner in the living room window (another yippie!). They have plans of putting in a attic fan, a ceiling fan in our bedrooom and whose knows what else! It's great getting these things done that Aaron and I were unsure of doing.
Ok - off to work....
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