Wednesday, March 30, 2005

They sucked me in...

Before I discuss what it is I'm sucked into, here is a picture of my progress on the Mariah sweater. I'm only doing one sleeve at a time, which I NEVER do. But - I'm loving the yarn (Cascade Silk and Wool), the color and the pattern!

Sleeve Posted by Hello

Anyway, last night was our normal knitting night a TWIS (my LYS). I worked on my Mariah sleeve, but watched as many others worked on their needlepoint. Needlepoint is actually how I began in the fiber arts - but I never got into the fancy stitches, and ran out of things to do. The canvases that I could find 10 years ago were not appealing to me, so I turned to knitting as my full-time fiber love. Fast forward to last night, when I saw this great finished pillow made with sparkley thread and fun colors - and decided that I might as well start up with needlepoint again. If you are doing a small canvas - it is actually more portable than most of my knitting projects that I'm doing right now! And actually, it's a good break for my wrist which has been hurting a little lately.

The minute I got home, I started working on it. No point in posting pictures, because you can't really see the progress.. but since I was silly, and had 2 Thai ice teas at dinner - I stayed up way too late on my sugar/caffeine high playing with my new project.



OOOO - that's a gorgeous green!!!


WOW i loveeee that color. I might have to make something in that next!!!