Monday, January 03, 2005

I'm a joiner

Today I'm in a bit of a funk. Can't really figure out why - may just be the stress of a bunch of things that have going on all at once. Sometimes listing it all out and sharing it with my husband helps... so that is where I am now. Actually, just the act of listing it out makes me feel better also.

Anyway - I wanted to talk about all the fun projects I have going on right now, and KAL's that I've joined.

1. The Sockapalooza. This is hosted by Alison of Blue Blog fame. I'm excited by the idea of this, because the sock I'm knitting isn't for me, it's for someone else. And then we switch. I love getting something for me handknit.

2. The Mariah-a-long. This is hosted by Ekelectika, and is for a pattern up on the latest Knitty. I'm thinking of doing this sweater in cotton - and using my GC from Aaron for buying the yarn!

3. The Knit 1 Read 2 book club! I love to read (like lots of other bloggers) and Cara has started a book club. Our first book is The Plot Against America, by Philip Roth. The biggest benefit of joining a bookclub (besides meeting fun new people) is the great books that I get to read, that I normally wouldn't have. This should be fun.

4. The Son of A.R.A.N sweater that the people in my S-n-B are going to do together. We start that in a week.

In current knitting news, this weekend I finished the pieces of the Ribby Cardi. It's all blocking now. I tried to find a zipper locally, but end up having to go to the internet to find something I liked.

I also got back to work on the Bpt Cardi. I'm really loving it, now that I put it down for a bit. Funny how that happens.