Friday, December 31, 2004

I can't move my arms

I joined a new gym. I've been going for a couple of weeks. It's a nice gym. Unfortunately, every time I join a new gym, I'm smart for the first few visits. I use the cardio equipment, maybe go to an aerobics class. But the call of the free weights always gets me. I think, 'Hey! In college, I really loved lifting! I should go lift!'

Sidenote: In college, I was an All American swimmer. I worked out 4 hours a day in the pool, and another hour or 2 in the weight room. I was in in AWESOME shape. Fast forward 10 years. I work out maybe (in a good week) 3 times a week. I've gained about 40 pounds since college)

So, I go to the free weight area. I lift a bunch of stuff. This morning, I needed my husband to help me comb my hair, that is how sore I am. I'm actually drinking my coffee with a straw so I don't have to pick it up with my arms. Sad state of affairs.

On to actual knitting content:

Below are pictures of the finished Felted Vest. I think it's pretty damn awesome! A few notes and observations on making this:

1. I definitely should have swatched the yarn for how it felted. I bought the yarn at Webs, and the lady said - Oh yes, this felts beautifully. (which in the end, it did) I didn't actually use the yarn for a year after buying it, and after working on it for a month, started to get VERY nervous that it wasn't going to felt. I obsessed about it actually, but for some reason, didn't stop and do a test swatch. I guess I didn't want to know if it didn't felt at that point.
2. I made it one size too big. But - that's OK - as it's more of a jacket than a vest for everyday wear.
3. I picked the vest for 2 reasons. One was because Aaron was always asking for a vest, and this was the first one that I saw that I would actually knit for him. The second, but much more important reason for me, is that I thought it would take less time than a whole sweater. Der. It's a FELTED vest. I had to make it like 3 times the size of a normal vest. I bet I could have made 2 sweaters in the time it took me to make this thing!
4. After all of this, I would actually make another one. It turned out really neat.

Talk to all next year! Be safe in your New Year's celebrations!