Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Food + Knitting = Happiness

Last night was my get together with the gals from The World In Stitches... we had a nice dinner, and then did some knitting. I tried to get back in the groove with my Shoalwater Shawl... but it was a bit if a disaster. I got about 3 rows knit in 2 hours. Grrr. Someone asked "Have you ever heard of a lifeline?" Why yes, yes I have. I'm just too stubborn to use one!

But, no matter what, it is always fun to get together with other Fiber Folk and hang out and knit. We even had some pie! Yum.

This morning, I'm hoping the rest of the day goes better than it started out! As I walked to my car this morning, I snapped my ankle. Again. Once you twist it once, I guess it is weak forever. So frustrating, because it really HURTS. Then I went to swim practice and got my butt kicked. It's a bad idea to stop working out for a couple weeks... that's for sure. Finally, on my drive to work, I got pulled over for running a YELLOW light. Sigh. At least I only got a warning.

Maybe today is a day I should have stayed in bed?