Thursday, October 28, 2004



**That always makes me laugh, how people say WE won, when their favorite professional team wins. Like they had any impact on the outcome of the game by sitting at the ballpark (or more likely in front of the TV) and cheering their team on. I'm sure that the support is great, and the team LOVES the fans, but honestly. The Red Sox won. Not us. Just try and stand up there and watch a major league pitcher throw one pitch!**

It's obviously a reason for much celebration! My brother may even drive up from NJ to watch the parade (which I hope they do on Saturday, not Friday).

Got a lot of knitting done while watching the game... on my Circus sweater. Although I'm renaming that sweater to the Blueberry Sweater - because the blues and purples in the yarn, plus the way it is knitting up is reminding me of Blueberries.

I've also noticed that this blog look lame - it needs pictures! I'll work on that tonight.