Monday, October 25, 2004

Too tired to knit?

I never thought it could be possible.... but I think I am too tired to knit. I put down my Bpt sweater for a bit (it's kind of boring, truth be told) and tried to pick up the yarn for my Dolman sleeve jacket (with that circus yarn I bought myself for my birthday). First - my gauge was totally off, so I had to swatch a few times.... which is fine, and I ended up making it a bit bigger than the pattern says anyway. The largest size is 52 inches... which is big, but if I'm going to be wearing it as a wrap around jacket, I'm going to make it a bit bigger, I think.

I knit for a bit as I watched Kill Bill Vol. 1 (ick. SUCH a guy movie - but I couldn't stop watching)... and that is about it. I got about 6 inches done... this should be a quick knit once I get going - but my knitting engine seems a bit burnt out! Otherwise, I wandered around the house in a tired, jet lagged daze, putting away the treasures I got in China (I found the yarn I bought! I'll take pictures tonight!), cleaning up my yarn room, and finally, picking out the pictures from our wedding. Yep, finally ordering the wedding pictures from my wedding in May.

It'll be nice to get those in frames and out to family members that want them...

Oh and in random knitting news. I've become a little bit obsessed with the Latvian Mittens... not like I have time to knit them... but I shared my obsession with my friend Amanda. She is moving into a new condo, and she finds out that Lizbeth Uptis (yes the same Lizbeth Uptis that wrote the book on Latvian Mittens) lives in her condo complex! Just goes to show you what a small (knitting) world we live in.