Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fun pattern

At Rhinebeck, I gave myself permission to buy whatever struck my fancy. Nothing crazy, mind you - but some kits that in the past I had seen and walked away from. One that I kept thinking about over and over again was a kit for the Spindrift Capelet from Shelridge Farms. I can't find it on their website - but the colors and the neat construction drew me in.

Thing was, their booth was so packed I couldn't even get into that year (I was pregnant with Cam). But when I decided to go to Rhinebeck this year, that was one of the first things I thought of.

Marti and I went to their booth very near the end of our trip, and Marti agreed it was a fun pattern - but that I would never ever wear it. And pointed me to the same idea, but in a scarf pattern.

I can't stop knitting this thing! I love it! I'm totally knitting more. This is the Spaun of Braun colorway in heavyweight from BMFA... I'm hoping their will be enough leftover to make a Yulie Hat to match.



What a lovely, colourful scarf, the pattern looks so fresh and fun.