Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Haul

I've actually done more damage in the past at Webs... but I'm REALLY excited about what I got.

I got the book More Big Girl Knits, from the library (because the first one I didn't love so much). There are 2 sweaters that I totally want to make. The Susie Hoodie:

And the Bountiful Bohus:

I'm going to make the Susie Hoodie out of the bright blue tweed, and the Bohus out of the exact same colors that it calls for:

I figure 2 nice new cardigans for the fall will be perfect - considering the major change in my body by then!

And the final bit of the haul? A HUGE new Lexie Barnes Knitting bag:

Just like my buddy Carla has. Because I want to be just like her (and it's an awesome bag).



It is a great bag- I must confess I have the large and smaller one!


Very nice! Does that border cable reverse? I can't tell for sure from the picture. It looks like it could.


I'm loving the blue color for the Susie Hoodie. Looks like you have a little knitting to do!


We all want to be just like Carla!

Love the two sweaters you chose. Now I want to make the Bohus too. I guess that means I want to be just like you!


Is it me, or does that hoodie look a lot like the Cardigan for Arwen?


OMG, Susie is the Arwen for sure - it will be a sad day when you finish Susie as my Arewn languishes on my needles - perhaps we should "race"


The bag looks great. I love the Susie hoodie and the cardigan looks great too. Looks like a great shopping expedition.