Monday, May 21, 2007


I had all good intentions of finishing my Monkey Socks this weekend. But, remember how last week I organized my yarn room? I couldn't stop thinking of a UFO that I found... my Lascala:

Perhaps we all remember the Great Ripping of Oct 06? Where I realized that I needed to use a smaller needle size for the edging? It was a tragedy. But enough time has passed that I'm excited about working on it again. I did make another, ripable mistake... but I'm ignoring it. It is a design feature. I am so adamant about not ripping, that I won't even show the blog the problem, in case you all try to pressure me into ripping it back.

Ok, after picking up the Lascala, I thought I would go back to the Monkey socks when I needed a break from the tiny tiny needles. But then, Aaron and I went to the book store. I have been reading the Dalriada Trilogy by Jules Watson (The Dawn Stag is the book I just finished). I actually stayed up until 2 AM one day finishing this book and was crying at the end. Anyway - I've become a little obsessed with getting the next book, and amazon told be that it was available on May 17th. So - on May 18th, I went ot Barnes and Nobles to get it. They didn't have any record of the book. At all. In my distress, I bought Itty Bitty Hats. And ordered the Boar Stone on Amazon. It isn't shipping for 4 - 6 weeks, but I'll survive.
Problem with buying Itty Bitty hats? I don't have any cotton in my stash, and I want to make every single one of these hats RIGHT NOW. Sunday I went to my LYS and bought every single color of Touche that they had. I haven't cast on for one of these hats yet... but I don't know how much longer I can resist.

While waiting for my yarn to get balled up, I was reading through the new IK (which I didn't get in the mail? My subscription got messed up. Grrrr). And I see the absolutely PERFECT sweater pattern for my huge amount of Malabrigo:

So - I'll be starting the sleeve *cough cough* I mean swatching for that today.

And here is the small amount of progress made on the Monkey Socks.

Well, I guess all bets are off. I'm still on track for 17 pairs in 17 weeks... but I need to get focused... and I have my doubts. At least this week.



I can see why that sweater is calling your name, its great! Good luck getting it started before you start hats, errr, finish socks, um finish your UFO, heh.


interesting - that is the very same sweater that called my name from that particular IK !