And then, after watching someone else in class make a similar style, I knew it would be a perfect yarn basket:

I was so impressed by how 'professional' mine turned out. The teacher was wonderful! She obviously helped me a lot in making these - I could never make one on my own. The other fun thing was that she is a doula. And she does hypnosis and relaxation technique's for people who are having difficulty getting pregnant. She actually lives close to me, so when she gets off island, we are going to get together. I'm excited for that.
I didn't do as much knitting as I usually get done on vacation, as any time that wasn't taken up with the basketweaving class, and teaching my own felted ball class, I was working. It was very frustrating to be on Nantucket, with beautiful weather, and be trapped inside on my laptop. Let's just say, I'm not taking vacation days!
But - I do get one picture worthy thing done. I finished the body on the rollneck sweater!

It fits perfectly! I love it. I also knitted a bit on the Owl Baby Sweater... finished one sleeve, and am working on the second. Techincally the third sleeve, because I thought I had the pattern memorized, and took it with me to the beach (to see the Boston Pops! Great show!) for a bit of knitting, and did K2P2 rib instead of K1P1.. and need to rip out almost 5 inches of work. Grrrrrr.
So, now I'm back in my office, and I need to get back to work. : (
I am I awe of your talent!! Those baskets are beautiful, you are so clever!!!
I love the baskets! I've wanted to learn how to do that forever.
I must go down to the sea again,
To the lonely sea and the sky
All I ask is a tall ship
And a star to steer her by.
Clue Number 3
Baskets, the other love! Buying or making, no difference, I love baskets!!! They are gorgeous. A Nantucket is on my list to someday make. When, who knows! Stitches was lonely without you. Good thing I had other friends to enable me!
Great baskets! I've always been intrigued by basket making. AT the farmer's market on Saturday there are always a group of ladies making baskets, I could watch them for hours.
Gorgeous baskets! Is there anything you can't do?!?
Hey CeCe,
I put your summer sock party parcel in the mail today, but I didn't take pictures to put on my blog. OH well.
What lovely baskets you have weaved, and you will get plenty of use from both of them. How did your felting class you taught go?
Love the baskets I would be proud to show them off too.
THE sea is flecked with bars of grey
The dull dead wind is out of tune,
And like a withered leaf the moon
Is blown across the stormy bay.
Etched clear upon the pallid sand
The black boat lies: a sailor boy
Clambers aboard in careless joy
With laughing face and gleaming hand.
And overhead the curlews cry,
Where through the dusky upland grass
The young brown-throated reapers pass,
Like silhouettes against the sky.
Clue Number 4
(Lace Swap)
Your knitting basket is beautiful!
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