Wednesday, March 09, 2005

One sock, two sock

Purple sock, blue sock!

OK, so no new progress since the weekend, but thought I would post a picture of these to show that I will make that March 15th Sockapalooza send off deadline!

purple socks Posted by Hello

The weather here is crazy! It is March, and we are still getting slammed by snow and freezing cold weather. Many of my friends are getting really depressed - they really want the spring (and warm weather) to come. It makes sense, because most of our fun is based around the warmer seasons - motorcycles, open water swimming, triathlons.... but for some reason, the winter isn't getting me down. I guess I figure that when you live in New England, that's the choice you make! Besides - you get a lot of knitting done while holed up in the house.

I ventured over to the Red Scarf Project to see what was going on over there, and I'm in. Not to make a scarf, as I've got a bit too much knitting on my plate right now, but I'll buy one! They have some REALLY beautiful ones... Unfortunately, the scallop pattern one by Jacob is already sold. I love that one. The cause is a wonderful one, and as I've traveled to China twice, I know that there is a great need for the money that they are raising.

In knitting news, my surprise project is coming along nicely - there is a small chance that I'll finish it in time - if I can manage to get free time in the evenings to knit - and not get sucked into house chores. The good news is that I think Aaron is close to getting our server hooked up - which is where the 'before' pictures of our house live... so I can put up some more pictures of what we have been doing. I haven't wanted to put up any more - just because it doesn't look as dramatic without the visual (including the horrendous wallpaper!).