Friday, January 21, 2005

It's a mess

First things first. I went to Michaels last night looking for a certain yarn for a sweater that I want to make my mother (Landscapes by Lion Brand, I think) - and they didn't have what I was looking for. But they DID have this yarn called Bling Bling!

It's a joke from our trip to China. We were teaching Annie (Bernie's friend) some American slang. The funniest ones we taught her were "Bling Bling" (synonym for expensive, often flashy jewelry sported mostly by African American hip-hop artists and middle class Caucasian adolescents) and "Junk in the Trunk" (having a prodigious butt). And, the whole time we were traveling together, I was knitting. So I think that she'll not only appreciate the handknit scarf, but hopefully get the joke at the same time.

I *sort of* began packing the yarn room. Of course, it is now more of a mess than it was when I started, but I guess that is to be expected.