Thursday, January 27, 2005

I'm back!

I'm not going to go in to the details - but lets just say, that if you add it all together, I spent about 24 hours in airports over the past 5 days. Never fly from Logan to O'Hare in January. It's just a BAD IDEA.

In my travels, I worked on the Bpt Cardi (almost done with one sleeve) and my Sockapalooza sock. I almost finished one sock, until I sat on the sock, and broke my little size 1 bamboo needle.


Tonight I'm going to swing by the World in Stitches... I haven't been there since they moved to their new location, so the broken needle seems like a good reason... and also to buy yarn. Of course. Now that I've packed up my stash, I realize that I need to make a baby sweater for someone I work with in Chicago. I'll make this cute 5 hour Baby sweater. I've made it before, and it's perfect for a 'not-close-friend' baby present.



Wishing you all the best!