Tuesday, November 16, 2004

We have Feltage

So. I have a cold. A REALLY CRAPPY COLD. I'll survive... I know I will, but it sucks all the same.

Anyway, cold medicine and felting don't mix! I did finish the felted vest last night (see the "before" picture below), and couldn't wait to get it felted. I put it in the machine with a pair of jeans and let the process begin. At first, I was very nervous... I must admit, I didn't do a test swatch. Bad Cece. For the first 20 minutes, nothing happened. Thankfully, it all came together after that. Thing is, I made it the 50 inch size - to be sure it was big enough. When I actually saw in person how big the 50 inch size is - that seems a little excessive for Aaron - but gives him some space. Space is nice, right?

As for the cold medicine - I took some Nyquil when I thought I only had about 20 minutes of felting to go. I was wrong... and ended up staying awake for another hour.. I was totally loopy. But - the vest is cool. Perhaps a little large, but cool all the same. It is going to take a while to dry - but once it is dry, I'll put on the borders. I'm thinking a dark maroon would be perfect.

I got up early this morning and finished up my silk jacket so I could wear it to work - and also to knitting tonight. The more I wear it, the more I'm forgiving it for it's little faults. It's a handmade jacket for christ's sake! My first attempt at making a 'real' piece of clothing for myself! It is awesome!

Go Cece!