Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Fiber Fishless

Sigh. While away in Chicago, BOTH my goldfish died. Turns out they had ick when I got them, and I'd been trying to save them with medication.... but they didn't make it. Oh well. One less thing to worry about while away in China, and now they are in Fish Heaven.

Knitting progress on the trip was all on the Shoalwater Shawl, as I managed to pack the WRONG NEEDLES for the ponchos for my nieces. Grr. I hate it when that happens! But- I'm loving making that shawl.... I just think that making lace is cool. I have no idea how designers figure out how to make the right combination of YO's, K2T, and SSKs to come out with these beautiful designs.... but I'll take it!

I also have been wearing my Cape (sans buttons - to be fixed tonight), and that is a great thing. Nice and warm! And it look groovy too. I'll post pictures when I get home tonight!