Thursday, September 23, 2004

Real Fiber Fish!

So. There are a few more things that you should know about me. If possible - I would surround myself with all things purple. When I go to buy yarn, I'm usually drawn to the purple first, my bicycle is purple, the colors of my wedding were different shades of purple, our bedroom is painted purple, my first motorcycle was purple... you get the idea.

I also love goldfish. I don't know why, but I do. I had this one goldfish, called Charlie, for over 6 years. He lived by himself in a ten gallon tank - and grew to be big enough to eat for lunch and be satisfied. I finally let Charlie free in one of my friends goldfish ponds.

Ever since then, I've wanted to get another goldfish. But they are a pain in the butt. Changing the water in a fish tank is a big chore - and the tank itself takes up a lot of space. But, the other day, I went to a pet store to pick up something for Abby, and I saw this cute little acrylic tanks. They come in different colors (purple is one!) and smaller, more manageable sizes (5 gallons). So I got one! And, some neat purple glow in the dark stones. I'm not going to get the actual fish until we get back from our China trip... but I think this is going to be a great addition to my yarn room.

In knitting news, I had a bunch of fun with the Stitch 'n bitch group last night. Three of the gals there are taking a Fairsle Bag Class at The Woolpack in Littleton. It's always fun to see how people's different yarn and color choices make the same project look totally different. And then, two people were working on Pumpkin baby hats! I forgot how cute those are. Maybe I'm make one of those for Addy to add onto her birthday package. I made some progress on the Cape Point, but it's starting to become slower going, as the number of stitches increase!