Tuesday, September 21, 2004

On Point!

I began my Cape Point cape last night. I love it! It is a fun pattern, and the colors I chose are really looking great together. I should have done the finishing work on my Harlot Poncho, but wasn't in the mood. Tonight I'll try and get the ambition to finish the poncho and take a picture.

I found out at work today that I need to go to Chicago on Oct 4th and 5th. Hopefully it will be a good trip - sometimes it is a good change in pace to be out of the office.

The other thing I need to do tonight is to clean up my yarn room a bit - it's sort of exploded. Sigh. I guess that is the purpose of a yarn room - to have a place to be 'creative' (AKA messy). I often think back to when I was a kid - and I want to paint or do something else crafty. My mom would get all bent out of shape that I would MAKE A MESS. Now, isn't that the point? It's fun to cut stuff up and throw things around and make some wonderful and new out of the mess! Now that I'm an adult, I give myself permission to make messes and I love it. But sometimes, the mess overwhelms me, and even I need to clean it up. Aaron has started making comments and closing the door when people come over to visit.

But - he did say something cute the other day. He mentioned that my yarn/fabric explosion looks really cool - with all of the outrageous colors involved - if a picture was taken (like kind of an abstract close up of the mess sort of picture) it would be art.

Yes. That's it. My mess is now art.