Thursday, December 01, 2005

Ta Dah!

Well, here is a bag that has been in the works for a long while. I got this kit for Christmas last year. One of my friends actually is the designer - and when I went up for my quilting weekend, she bought her finished bag. Seeing it in all it's glory got me inspired to finish up mine. I would say that when I brought this with me to Nantucket, I was about 30% done, and finished the rest in no time.

Although I absolutely LOVE the finished product - I don't think I'll be doing another hooking project. I can't even really explain what it is I don't like about the process... It's just not for me, I guess. So, last night I sewed up the purse, connected the handles, and handstitched the lining. I'm SO happy with this purse! I'm considering putting a snap closure, but I'm going to wait and see if it's necessary.

For other Jaywalkers - you see what is already living in that bag? My WIP - the Jaywalker socks. I fully admit to putting Trade2 on hold for a little. My sleeve, I mean swatch, wasn't working up to gauge - so had to rip out. And I don't know the pattern well enough to have it as a travel project just yet.... tonight it may get some attention - but only if it's well behaved!

I have a bunch of other things to say, but for some reason, having trouble putting them into words. I hate it when that happens! I'll try again later. Hope everyone is having a happy day.....



Cute bag. Today when I was at my LYS, a yarn rep was there and she was showing this bag with a fabric lining, it was really neat. BUt the handles cracked me up, they were huge, they were round and I could fit them over my head. It was a bit insane, now your handles I like.


Nice bag, I see you still have fallen leaves around, they must look lovely, how is the weather going there.


Magnificent!! It looks good but the hooking souns like bit of work! :-) Stripey


I'm liking that bag!