Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Vote is in...

And the Tilted jacket is the winner! I figure it would... I've wanted to make that sweater since I've seen it - but other things just keep on pushing it out of line. I officially finished all the knitting on the Flame Cardi last night - and started sewing up the sleeves. I'm going to need to get a zipper, and I think do a little crochet on the edges of the collar to totally finish it. I think I'll try to stop by JoAnnes on the way home. I can't wait to wear it!

So, no pictures of that until it's all the way done - so I figured I would show off one of my Daylilies:

lily Posted by Picasa

I love daylilies - I think they look so awesome, and they are everywhere in my new neighborhood!

OK - off to work. I think I'm going to take some well-deserved comp time tomorrow and Monday - but my manager still hasn't said yes.



How deep is your ribbing and then how long is the body from the underarm. I did about 5" ribbing and now I am trying to determine if 6" of body is enough or if I want to go to 7". That would be a total 12" of body before I split for back/front. I am 5'8" with an evenly proportioned torso, not too long, not too short. Just wondered how you found the length of the body on yours.
Can't wait to see it, and no, a picture of a flower does not suffice. But a picture of the puppies would be great!


Congrats on finishing! Can't wait to see it.