Thursday, January 13, 2005

A watched pot...

never boils? I've been complaining that this Bpt cardi is slooooooooow going. I was measuring my progress WAY too often. I conveniently misplaced my measuring tape, and wasn't able to measure during the waist shaping. Last night, I finished up my waist shaping, and measured. I'm at 12" from the armhole split! Only 3 inches to go. Cool.

If you look at the rather blurry picture below, you can see that I still have the arms and hood to go. I've never made a hooded sweater before, so that part should be fun.

Read on for Non-knitting, house related news:
Aaron and I got the official house inspection report, and submitted our requests to the seller last night. We aren't asking for anything unreasonable, so we are hoping that they come back agreeing to the issues we'd like addressed. I guess that this is the next big negotiation piece. We sign the Purchase and Sale the end of next week... once that is done, there really isn't anything to worry about except packing!