Friday, October 22, 2004

So much to tell

I'm back from China! It was an amazing trip! I've thrown up some pictures, just to give everyone some idea of what I got to see!

Some of the more fun things we did was to go to The Great Wall. It was totally amazing... an unbelievable work. And then, the Terra Cotta soldiers... again - amazing. The Silk Market in Hungzhu... where I got enough silk to make myself a new jacket - plus I got one made (a traditional Chinese jacket).

In addition to the sightseeing -I got some knitting done. I made the two ponchos for my nieces (I'll take pictures of those tomorrow), and got a lot of work done on my Bpt sweater. (Which reminds me - I should go check up on that knit-a-long!).

I'm very tired, but wanted to get some China thoughts down in my blog. I'll write more later!