Sunday, September 26, 2004

Weekend Joy...

I love it when weekends are actually relaxing, like they are supposed to be! This was a great weekend. It started out with a trip to the yarn store after work on Friday - where I went just to get 2 skeins of yarns for the poncho I wanted to make my mother in law for her birthday. But, when I got there, they had received my special order baby book - which has a super cute lace cardigan I want to make for Addy for Christmas. I struggled for a bit to get the right yarn - as Addy has red hair - I wanted green, but got a good red. Also - I found another good yarn for that pattern in the sale box - so got that for 50% off. Nice!

I made my way to Amanda's where I had an awesome dinner, and knit the night away. Amanda is actually working on a sweater for me. Amanda is a teacher with an expensive yarn habit. Unfortunately, teachers don't make the money that they should... so every once in a while, Amanda and I work deals. In this case, I was finished with the back of a sweater - and was really not having fun making it. And she came over and was coveting some cashmerino in my stash. So - I traded her the yarn for finishing my sweater! A good deal all around, I thought.

The rest of the weekend was fun too. I watched Aaron's soccer game (they won - ya!) and worked on the poncho. We also went the the fish store - and I did end up getting my new fish (pictures tomorrow). I love them. Today, I finished off the poncho, and Aaron will bring it to his mother's house. But instead of giving it to her - he is going to hid it in the house, and give her a card that she can't open until her birthday... and then give her hints to find it. I thought that was a great idea - and maybe take the heat off us a little (she is mad that we are going to China to visit his Dad [her ex]).

That's it! I'm off to an end of the year party for my triathlon team! Busy, busy!