Friday, September 24, 2004


I'm so glad today is Friday. This week at work has been full days of conference calls. Bleh.

Anyway - Aaron found out that he is going to White Plains on Tuesday, which means that he'll see his mother. I've been planning on making her a Very Harlot Poncho for her birthday (which is in October) - so I'll stop on the way home and get some yarn for that today - and see if I can get that done this weekend. I'll also do the finishing on the sweater for Addy, as she is going to Portland to visit in October - and it is more fun to have things like that hand delivered.

I joined the glove along over at jofrog's blog. I'm just about it start a pair of mittens - so this will make it more fun!

OK - off to yet another conference call. Thank god once it's over, I'll be outta here! And I'm going to my friends Amanda's house for knitting, movie watching and dinner. Ya!